Sunday, March 29, 2009

That's Incredible: Haunted Toys 'R Us (1978)

This segment from That's Incredible! investigates the story of a haunted Toys 'R Us in Sunnyvale, California. Apparently, the toy store was built on the property where a man died after a wood-chopping accident, and psychic Sylvia Brown claims that this man's spirit is haunting the store. A séance is staged in the toy store for That's Incredible! As Brown attempts to make contact with the spirit, a photographer captures some interesting images.


AllHallowSteve said...

Let me first start by saying THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!... for posting this "That's Incredible" segment.

I've been talking about it for years and have incorporated mentions into my various posts on my site For the generation before "Unsolved Mysteries" and the Discovery Channel THIS was the type of TV I would watch KNOWING it would terrify me.

Every year I search the internet looking for someone who may have had a chewed up VHS copy that they decided to post of this very segment.

And then today... Eureka. There was your post, your video and your wonderful site.

I'm so grateful that I instantly linked you in my Halloween Favorites section.

-wipes tear-


Anonymous said...

Cheers to you for posting this clip!!! The last comment by AllHallowSteve sums my feelings perfectly!!

Anonymous said...

I also want to thank you for this. I've seen that photograph on the internet for years, but just found out they actually did a TV segment on it. Didn't know they actually filmed the seance ... wow, great stuff. Thank you!

Diana said...

I worked in the store in 1989 and then again in 1990. Johnny is there. He "lives" in the space above the stock room. The lightbulb always burns out and it's always cold in that area. I had several run ins with him. He is mostly helpful but does enjoy a prank every once in a while with the ladies. The folks at the surrounding stores in the same parking lot stated that they too had some strange happenings. Thank you for posting and for beleiving. Too many that I have spoken with don't think it's true. I have had too much happen to me personally while there to not beleive.

Anonymous said...

AMAZING! I remember seeing this back in the 80's and have looked for it online for over a few years.. thank you!

Issy G.A. said...

Recuerdo haber visto esta historia en Yuctaán por TV a mediados de los 80's, ése día se fué la electricidad en muchos lados de la ciudad y como éramos adolescentes nos asustamos. Algunos sólo vimos que el canal de TV se saliera del aire. Bromeábamos diciendo que fue el fantasma.

Andrew Jones said...

Awesome, I was looking for this clip for a blog post and absolutely love your site! I posted an article about this 'That's Incredible' episode that scared the crap out of me when I was a kid.

And I also posted an article pointing people to your site. Such great stuff.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Weird who was the man who died

Anonymous said...

John Johnson